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 1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war

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1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
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1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_lcap0%1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Vote_rcap
 0% [ 0 ]
Total des votes : 0

Guest star

Balance Cheval
Nombre de messages : 2249
Age : 34
Localisation : 37
Quote : "Anger ruins joy. Steals the goodness of my mind. Forces my mouth to say terrible things. Overcoming anger brings peace of mind. Leads to a mind without regrets. If I overcome anger, I will be delightful and loved by everyone." - Charlie Crews, Life 1x01

Ship & Show
♥Series: NCIS, Life, Tudors, Borgias, Glee, House (s1-s3), GA, Moonlight, Dexter, Bones, Chuck, TBBT, The Mentalist, Nurse Jackie, Six Feet Under, True Blood, Doctor Who, Pretty Little Liars, ...
♥Ships: H/Cam, Lady Mary/Estace Chapuys, Cesare/Lucrezia Borgia, Erza/Aria, Mark/Callie, Owen/Cristina, Chuck/Casey, Crews/Reese, Pullo/Vorenus, Mick/Coraline, Ten/Rose, Bill/Sookie, Eric/Godric, ...

1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Empty
MessageSujet: 1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war   1.03 A bout de course / Winning a battle, losing the war Icon_minitimeMar 29 Juil - 0:38

Meredith est profondément irritée par ses deux nouveaux colocataires. Elle réalise aussi qu'être interne c'est être sans cesse en compétition avec les autres. A Seattle c'est le jour d'une course de vélo parfaitement illégale où tous les coups sont permis. Une première victime des cyclistes fous arrive à l'hôpital en état de mort cérébrale. George s'occupe d'un ami de Richard, Lloyd Mackie, qui attend une greffe du foie.

source : Allociné
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