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Drone Dji DJI Mini 4K (EU)
239 € 299 €
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 4.06 Fumble [Greek]

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Lorelai Gilmore

Gémeaux Tigre
Nombre de messages : 10398
Age : 38
Localisation : Bristol, England
Quote : Everything is dust in the wind
So that's it a Kansas song?!
[SPN 6x11]

Ship & Show
♥Series: VM, GG, OTH, DH, GA, BSG, UB, Scrubs, PP, HIMYM, House, Bones,SPN, SKins
♥Ships: MerDer, Brucas, Naley; Jate, Kara/Lee, Hetty, Susan/Mike, Tony/Ziva, Huddy, Chaseron, Marshall/Lilly, GCR, Bones/Booth, Robert/Kitty, Ross/Rachel, JJ, Literati, Sid/Cassie, Michelle/Tony

4.06 Fumble [Greek] Empty
MessageSujet: 4.06 Fumble [Greek]   4.06 Fumble [Greek] Icon_minitimeDim 9 Jan - 14:13

Written by Carter Covington
Directed by Lee Rose

Casey and Cappie wake up together and Casey kicks him out of the house before anyone finds out, claiming that nothing can happen between them. Rusty wakes up from the party completely hungover, and unable to remember what happened. He finds red lipstick on his mouth, and sets out on a search with Calvin to find the mystery girl. Casey and Cappie meet up later and realize that they did not use protection the night before. Casey gets the morning after pill just in case. At ZBZ, the sisters are watching over faculty children during the big game, and Cappie comes over to help Casey, and to prove to her that he‘s matured. Rusty also divulges to Casey that Cappie declared a major. Later that night, Casey and Cappie share a romantic moment in the playground. Meanwhile, Professor Segal (Josh Randall) flirts with Ashleigh, who is still distraught about her undetermined future. Rusty, though a hero to the school for stealing the goat returns home unable to find the mystery girl. He finds Ashleigh there, getting ready for a date with Segal. An ensuing flashback reveals that Rusty was drunkenly comforting Ashleigh the night before, and they shared a quick kiss. Ashleigh then gets up and leaves for her date with Segal.

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Assistant réalisateur

Cancer Tigre
Nombre de messages : 2894
Age : 38
Localisation : Nashville
Quote : "...a dyslexic guy walks into a bra?" Cappie Greek

Ship & Show
♥Series: The OC, FNL, Friends, Gilmore Girls, ER, Lost, DH, GA, Weeds, Dexter, Entourage, 24, Veronica Mars, Ugly Betty, Scrubs, Malcolm, CSI, Un dos tres, Heroes, Buffy, Gossip Girl, Smantha Who, The big Bang Theory, Six Feet Under, OZ, Greek, 30 Rock, HIMYM, 90210, TB, supernatural
♥Ships: Seth & Summer // Rachel & Ross // Jess & Rory // Luke & Lorelai // Dr Carter & Moi // Jules & Matt // Tami & Eric // Landry & Tyra // Gaby & Carlos // Lynette & Tom // Alex & Izzie // Deb & The ice truck killer // Logan & Veronica // Betty & Henry // Lola & Pedro // Spike & Buffy ...

4.06 Fumble [Greek] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 4.06 Fumble [Greek]   4.06 Fumble [Greek] Icon_minitimeLun 14 Fév - 23:49

Franchement sympa l'épisode! Avec Rus qui se la joue "The Hangover" lol
Catherine, mort de rire!!!!
Aller, cette foi que cap et cas restent ensemble!!! sinon je fais GREVE lol
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Lorelai Gilmore

Gémeaux Tigre
Nombre de messages : 10398
Age : 38
Localisation : Bristol, England
Quote : Everything is dust in the wind
So that's it a Kansas song?!
[SPN 6x11]

Ship & Show
♥Series: VM, GG, OTH, DH, GA, BSG, UB, Scrubs, PP, HIMYM, House, Bones,SPN, SKins
♥Ships: MerDer, Brucas, Naley; Jate, Kara/Lee, Hetty, Susan/Mike, Tony/Ziva, Huddy, Chaseron, Marshall/Lilly, GCR, Bones/Booth, Robert/Kitty, Ross/Rachel, JJ, Literati, Sid/Cassie, Michelle/Tony

4.06 Fumble [Greek] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 4.06 Fumble [Greek]   4.06 Fumble [Greek] Icon_minitimeMer 16 Fév - 22:45

oui surtout qu'il reste que 4 épisodes c'était trop romantique jétais trop gniiiiiiiiiiiii à la fin ah lala je veux le même moi Smile
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4.06 Fumble [Greek] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 4.06 Fumble [Greek]   4.06 Fumble [Greek] Icon_minitime

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4.06 Fumble [Greek]
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