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 2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek]

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2 participants

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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_lcap0%2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Vote_rcap
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Total des votes : 0

Lorelai Gilmore

Gémeaux Tigre
Nombre de messages : 10398
Age : 38
Localisation : Bristol, England
Quote : Everything is dust in the wind
So that's it a Kansas song?!
[SPN 6x11]

Ship & Show
♥Series: VM, GG, OTH, DH, GA, BSG, UB, Scrubs, PP, HIMYM, House, Bones,SPN, SKins
♥Ships: MerDer, Brucas, Naley; Jate, Kara/Lee, Hetty, Susan/Mike, Tony/Ziva, Huddy, Chaseron, Marshall/Lilly, GCR, Bones/Booth, Robert/Kitty, Ross/Rachel, JJ, Literati, Sid/Cassie, Michelle/Tony

2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Empty
MessageSujet: 2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek]   2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Icon_minitimeVen 29 Mai - 0:18

It's Homecoming Week and the Kappa Taus' team up with the ZBZ to go against IKI and the Omega Chis in the annual float competition. When things don't go as planned, will Casey and Cappie be able to keep their agreement to stay out of each other's way? What will Rusty and Ashleigh do to ensure a victory? Meanwhile, Evan's parents are in town for homecoming and, after a "heart to heart" conversation with his father, Evan is faced with the possibility of losing his trust fund. And Ashleigh discovers that Fisher has a secret of blue proportions.

Source: ABC Family
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¤Modo Top 5¤ : Jessica Mastriani

Cancer Chèvre
Nombre de messages : 6016
Age : 33
Localisation : 91
Quote : Listen, Bones, I would do anything for you. I'd die for you, I would kill for you, but I am not getting in between two best friends.
- Seeley Booth (Bones)

Ship & Show
♥Series: Bones, TPAMF, Missing, The OC, VM, GG, Gossip Girl, TBBT, Las Vegas, That 70's Show, Buffy, HIMYM, Weeds, D.R.E.A.M, Friends, The Class, Greek, Dawson, In Plain Sight
♥Ships: Bones/Booth, Danny/Mary, Sue/Jack, Tristan/Rory, Holly/Vince, Amy/Felix, Kathan, Tru/Luc, Ulrich/Yumi, Bangel, Casey/Cappie, Joey/Pacey, Monica/Chandler, Ross/Rachel

2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek]   2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek] Icon_minitimeMar 14 Juil - 17:41

Superbe épisode...surtout pour Casey/Cappie

La fin..."il me manque"..."je ne parle pas de Max..."
I love you I love you I love you
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2.21 Tailgate Expectation [Greek]
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