Sujet: Re: Izzie & Denny [Grey's Anatomy] Ven 21 Nov - 19:45
Ha ha ! Je savais que tu pouvais pas me battre. Il était déjà canon à l'époque en Dr. Mais il est encore mieux maintenant, il fait partie de ces hommes qui s'embellissent et gagnent en charme avec l'âge.
Allez, 50/50 avec toi, on fait 1 semaine sur 2, ça ira ?!
J'ai hâte de voir le 9 !
spooky.angel ¤Oye Team¤ : Dana Scully
Nombre de messages : 6666Age : 44 Localisation : Fangtasia Quote : "en fait j'aimerais bien faire chat plus tard" hellodie ^^
Sujet: Re: Izzie & Denny [Grey's Anatomy] Sam 22 Nov - 18:49
Ah pinaise le lien marche pas sur mon ordi ! Grrrr... Ben je fais partie de cette catégorie de gens qui, malgré le non-sens de cette relation et la direction qu'elle prend (droit dans le mur lol), je kiiiiiiiffe, kiiiiiffe et SURkiffe ces épisodes ! J'ai encore pleuré dans le 8eme épisode, je suis trop accros à ce ship, tout comme je suis accros au Alex/Izzie (bizarre, j'aime les 2).
QUE DU BONHEUR !!! Mais qu'il est beau ! Je regardais les épisodes au fond de mon lit et j'en frétillais à chaque fois qu'on voyait Denny, truc de malade. A la fin du 9, quand Izz rentre dans la chambre d'Alex et qu'elle regarde Denny en disant qu'elle est désolée et que lui il a l'air tout triste, purée, je me serai bien jetée sur lui pour le consoler !
spooky.angel ¤Oye Team¤ : Dana Scully
Nombre de messages : 6666Age : 44 Localisation : Fangtasia Quote : "en fait j'aimerais bien faire chat plus tard" hellodie ^^
Sujet: Re: Izzie & Denny [Grey's Anatomy] Sam 22 Nov - 22:53
ah m'en parle pas, il a un air tellement triste !!!!
Cookiepunkie a écrit:
QUE DU BONHEUR !!! Mais qu'il est beau ! Je regardais les épisodes au fond de mon lit et j'en frétillais à chaque fois qu'on voyait Denny, truc de malade.
lol moi aussi, je fais vraiment de la peine à voir ^^
en gros dans l'article ils expliquent comment les episodes avec Denny font grimper les audiences
Cookiepunkie Au courrier
Nombre de messages : 256Age : 44 Quote : And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Sujet: Re: Izzie & Denny [Grey's Anatomy] Dim 23 Nov - 1:30
Ben on comprend pourquoi ! *mode bave* TROP CANON ce mec ! Surtout que maintenant, quand on le voit, il n'a pas son teint livide de malade prêt à passer de l'autre côté rejoindre ses ancêtres ! Il est juste PARFAIT !
Je fais peine à voir aussi quand je regarde un épisode de GA avec Denny (ou toute autre série où ya un mega bogoss dedans). Je disais justement au téléphone à ma soeur cet aprem que les derniers épisodes de GA étaient trop bien et qu'il fallait qu'elle les voie parce que ya Dennyyyyyyyyyy et je lui disais "whaaa mais il est troooop beauuuuu" (à dire avec une voix de fille aiguë) et elle me sort "ouais j'te vois bien devant ton écran là en train de sauter partout et de baver comme une folle". Elle me connaît trop bien ! J'ai l'air ri-di-cule, mais j'assume totalement !
Bref. Vivement le prochain !
Par contre, histoire de tuer l'ambiance là, pourquoi Izz voit Denny d'après vous ? Elle devient cinglée ou alors peut etre une tumeur au cerveau ? J'ai un peu peur pour elle... surtout que je pense que Katherine Heigl a bien envie de se tirer de la série.
Cawole Lorelai Gilmore
Nombre de messages : 10398Age : 38 Localisation : Bristol, England Quote : Everything is dust in the wind
So that's it a Kansas song?!
[SPN 6x11]
Sujet: Re: Izzie & Denny [Grey's Anatomy] Dim 23 Nov - 2:24
I think the love triangle with Denny, Izzie, and Alex is among the most interesting we've ever done. Watching the chemistry between Jeffrey and Katherine again has been really touching. I can't wait for our viewers to see where we're taking it. But what it won't involve is Izzie having a brain tumor," [Shoda Rhimes revealed... Denny will] be in at least five episodes. Source: The Ausiello Files
Cookiepunkie Au courrier
Nombre de messages : 256Age : 44 Quote : And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.
Sujet: Re: Izzie & Denny [Grey's Anatomy] Dim 23 Nov - 17:08
Cawole a écrit:
But what it won't involve is Izzie having a brain tumor,"
Ouf ! Merci, déjà me voilà rassurée. Parce qu'il y avait eu des rumeurs avant que la saison 5 ne commence qui disait qu'elle aurait une tumeur mais Shonda n'aiment pas faire comme le prévoit. Heureusement. Donc elle est cinglée cette pauvre Izzie !
spooky.angel ¤Oye Team¤ : Dana Scully
Nombre de messages : 6666Age : 44 Localisation : Fangtasia Quote : "en fait j'aimerais bien faire chat plus tard" hellodie ^^
Sujet: Re: Izzie & Denny [Grey's Anatomy] Ven 28 Nov - 2:20
Les théories sur Izzie:
Theory #1: Izzie Has a Brain Tumor
Evidence: Symptoms of a tumor: inability to concentrate (check), gradual changes in intellectual or emotional capacity (check), lethargy (check), changes in behavior or personality (check), and/or hallucinations (check). Verdict: Debunked...or so we think. Shonda Rhimes told my frenemy Michael Ausiello, "I think the love triangle with Denny, Izzie and Alex is among the most interesting we've ever done. Watching the chemistry between Jeffrey and Katherine again has been really touching. I can't wait for our viewers to see where we're taking it. But what it won't involve is Izzie having a brain tumor."
Come on, Shonda! We know your games; you're just trying to throw us off the scent!
Theory #2: Izzie Is Losing Her Mind
Evidence: She is having hallucinations of her dead fiancé. Active, ongoing hallucinations where they have tons of sweaty sex and he incessantly follows her around. If it looks crazy, sounds crazy and smells crazy, it probably is crazy. Even the Seattle Grace nurses have blogged that she's out of her right mind: "Izzie Stevens has lost it. I mean it. She's gone...I hope things get better for her because it looks like Izzie can't take one more bad thing happening…" Could the nurses know more than we think they know? Verdict: Izzie could very well be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, which could definitely have implications for her relationship with Alex. His mom was nuts, and Ava (Elizabeth Reaser) had a devastating breakdown of her own last year--a situation, it's worth noting, that Izzie helped Alex endure.
All this does beg the question, though: Why is Alex so crazy-making? Is he just too hot? Does his pure sexual energy fry the brain? Justin Chambers Nancy Kaszerman/
Theory #3: Izzie Is Dead, Too
Evidence: Everything is going right for Iz, other than seeing her dead ex-fiancé. She has roommates who love her, boy toy Alex (Justin Chambers), who finally wants to be with her, and a job she loves, despite the fact she stole a heart...Is it possible that it's all just a happy limbo where Izzie has dwelt since she killed herself after Denny's first demise? What, too M. Night Shyamalan for you? Verdict: As far as the rest of the characters are concerned, Izzie is alive and well, but who knows? And Mer has communed with dead Denny, dead Kyle Chandler and her dead mom.
Theory #4: Izzie Has Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Evidence: The girl is way too busy fighting for surgeries to even take a moment to deal with the loss of her fiancé. This has happened once before, when Izzie was too active being an underwear model to face the emotional reality of putting her daughter up for adoption. Verdict: Izzie's own best theory on what's happening to her is a delayed grief experience, and who's to say the doctor can't diagnose herself...
Theory #5: Izzie Has an Overactive Imagination
Evidence: Plain and simple, sex with a dead man is not possible, even if it is...fulfilling. Coexecutive producer Joan Rater said on the Grey's Writers' Blog: "Izzie knows this isn't real, she knows that, but it feels real and she just…closes her eyes and, you heard the sounds coming from the room, as Meredith said, it sounded kinda porny, so whatever's going on with the dead guy, the sex is good, at least …" Verdict: If this is the big love story the writers were hinting at for Heigl, all I can say is "What the frak?!" She's essentially having a love story with herself, and that's not healthy.
Source: E!Online
ABC teste la romance Izzie/Denny:
Maybe Katherine Heigl’s recent, pre-Emmy complaint about not getting nomination-worthy material on Grey’s Anatomy wasn’t entirely off base: In a preposterous new low, her once-popular character, Izzie Stevens (pictured), is sleeping with her dead lover, Denny — as in, actual carnal relations with a spirit — and now, we've learned, ABC is audience-testing a love story between the two. Last we checked, creator Shonda Rhimes wasn’t trying to create a Ghost Whisperer: Seattle, but then there isn’t a lot about Grey’s that makes sense these days. Actress Brooke Smith, whose Dr. Erica Hahn represented the only lesbian character on the Big Four networks, was abruptly canned. Mary McDonnell’s depiction of a cardiac surgeon with Asperger’s has been both ridiculous and unrealistic. And interns operating on interns is almost as laughable as Cristina (Sandra Oh) saving a pitiable pig. Add in Rhimes’ decision to have Izzie cavort with the dead, and Grey’s has fast become this season’s most maligned show by fans (if you don’t count Heroes, that is).
"Denny and Izzie together again is just dizzy. Stupid, stupid, stupid," posts an reader named Susan. "As for all of those comments from people saying, ‘It’s just TV, it doesn’t have to be real,’ well, yeah, but on the other hand, it has to be somewhat RELATABLE!" Adds reader Lizzie, "Please, TV Gods, let it be that Izzie is suffering from an incurable brain tumor.…Let her die and be reunited with hot Denny in the afterworld, never to be seen on Grey’s Anatomy again!" That’s what we hoped for too, until Rhimes told EW last week that Izzie doesn’t have a brain tumor.
Sadly, that’s all the explanation we’re getting for now (Rhimes, Heigl, and ABC all declined to comment for this article). However, with viewership down 17 percent from last year, an insider says ABC is conducting audience testing on the Izzie-Denny love story. Results aren’t in yet, so we’re forced to sift through future plotlines for any signs of relief. The good news is that Rhimes hasn’t given up on girl-on-girl love, as bisexual Callie is about to start canoodling with new intern Sadie (Melissa George). McSteamy (Eric Dane) may end up doing the dirty with little Grey, Lexie, played by Chyler Leigh (anything’s better than watching her pine over the oblivious George), and fan favorite Addison Montgomery (Kate Walsh) will show up for a special crossover episode with Private Practice in February. The bad news is that Jeffrey Dean Morgan is slated to appear at least through February. There’s never an exorcist around when you need one.
Source: E!Online
je crois avoir retrouvé un com de spooky lol: Why not call in the Winchesters from Supernatural to rid Grey's of Denny's ghost? Now that's a crossover I can get behind:) Should be quite fitting I'd say seeing as Jeffrey Dean Morgan used to play their dad, John, on the show a few seasons back.
ben pour etre honnete, elle fait pas partie de mes préférés non plus (et pourtant j'adore son couple avec Denny, oui je sais je suis bizarre), mais mince alors, si c'est un truc comme ça ce serait vraiment trop c** ! on aurait perdu tout ce temps à suivre les peripeties d'une morte 0_o je prefere encore la tumeur au cerveau lol
Cawole Lorelai Gilmore
Nombre de messages : 10398Age : 38 Localisation : Bristol, England Quote : Everything is dust in the wind
So that's it a Kansas song?!
[SPN 6x11]
Warning: Stop reading, Grey's Anatomy fans, if you don't want to know the big secret behind Denny's afterlife love affair with Izzie.
I'm serious. Stop.
Okay then, here we go. Turns out Shonda Rhimes wasn't lying when she told me last month that a brain tumor wasn't what was causing Izzie's case of "I see dead people... and have sex with them!" But she was being sneaky.
Last chance to run, spoilerphobes!
According to multiple sources, Izzie's hallucinations are health-related -- and brain-related. And although the specific name of the ailment is being kept in the safe underneath Rhimes' desk, I'm told it's similar to an aneurysm. And every time it flares up, she sees Denny. And sometimes when it really flares up, she shags him. (A Grey's rep could not be reached for comment.)
But wait, there's more! Izzie's aneurysmish disorder was never intended to be fatal. Plans change, but, per an ABC insider, Rhimes didn't cook up this story in order to grant Katherine Heigl's alleged wish to be let go from the show. Rather, the boss wanted to give her employee the thing she allegedly wanted, the thing that eluded her last season: great, Emmy-worthy material.
And say what you want about the story, Heigl has delivered.
For their part, ABC execs remain divided except for on one point: Everyone acknowledges that the plot is asking the audience to take a huge leap. "It's definitely an unorthodox story, but I trust in Shonda," maintains one suit, who says the press will eviscerate the net no matter what they do. "If we interfere, we get blamed for messing with someone's creative vision. If we don't do anything, we get blamed for the backlash. You really can't win."
Another insider says Alphabet execs are getting antsy waiting for the audience to find out about the underlying medical issue fueling Izzie's spectral romance. So antsy, in fact, that they are applying some light pressure on Rhimes to speed up the reveal. Once you know the reason Izzie is seeing Denny, they figure, you'll be much more willing to go along for the ride.
Well, let's put that theory to the test: Now that you know what's behind Izzie's condition, do you feel better? Worse? Indifferent? Sound off below! (Personally, I can get on board with this story now. I think.)
Source: EW
spooky.angel ¤Oye Team¤ : Dana Scully
Nombre de messages : 6666Age : 44 Localisation : Fangtasia Quote : "en fait j'aimerais bien faire chat plus tard" hellodie ^^
Je me perdrai pas dans les théories ni dans les réponses. Dizzie de la première heure (j'ai toujours détesté Alex. ) je me contente d'être heureuse sans chercher le pourquoi du comment quand Denny apparaît. J'avoue que j'aime bien l'idée de la 3ème théorie cependant. J'adore les histoires de fantômes, c'est pour ça. Puis leur histoire est tellement intense que limite ça ne m'aurait pas étonné que Denny revienne d'entre les morts en tant que fantôme un peu plus erm ... physique ... pour aider sa belle.
kly Touriste
Nombre de messages : 19Age : 33 Localisation : Cote d'ivoire
Ship & Show ♥Series: urgence,friends,oth,cold case,laguna beach, OC.. ♥Ships: naley,brucas,brase...
Si denny n'était pas mort, c'est moi qui l'aurais tué XD j'ai pas le souvenir de détester autant une personne dans une série T__T quand je voyais izzie le sauver je me disais: mais merde, laisse le crever, qu'on en finisse. XD ah nan, mais il me soulait celui là , et c'est un euphémisme -__-
spooky.angel ¤Oye Team¤ : Dana Scully
Nombre de messages : 6666Age : 44 Localisation : Fangtasia Quote : "en fait j'aimerais bien faire chat plus tard" hellodie ^^