Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Dim 26 Avr - 11:20
HUmmm contente de t'avoir fait plaisir ama! OUi oui jared est plus qu' agréable à regarder déjà à la base, mais la, ça ajoute du mordant... lol
Clochette Rory Gilmore
Nombre de messages : 5236Age : 43 Localisation : Montréal, Québec in Canada
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Nombre de messages : 2652Age : 39 Quote : "Ass-butt ! " (Castiel in SPN - 522)
Ship & Show ♥Series: VM / PD / [H]md / Heroes / Lost / Sam Who? / DH / HIMYM / QAF / Greek / SPN / TBBT / LTM* ♥Ships: Shane+Carmen / Ned+Chuk / Chase+ Cameron /
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Mar 2 Juin - 1:12
pfff ! ...
¤Veronica¤ Admin : Aeryn Sun
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Jeu 11 Juin - 22:05
POurquoi pff Back up? Toi tu as le droit à l'impala
Sinon vous connaissez les aventures de Jared et Misha?
Voici des extraits de leur histoire:
Et la ou tout a commencé:
A noter la magnifique prestation de Jensen également! avec le rattrapage de micro!
Et bien sur le J2 et la fameuse scène du T-shirt signé...
back up ¤O.Y.E Team¤
Nombre de messages : 2652Age : 39 Quote : "Ass-butt ! " (Castiel in SPN - 522)
Ship & Show ♥Series: VM / PD / [H]md / Heroes / Lost / Sam Who? / DH / HIMYM / QAF / Greek / SPN / TBBT / LTM* ♥Ships: Shane+Carmen / Ned+Chuk / Chase+ Cameron /
Our fifth Asylum Convention will take place between 29th and 31st October 2010 in England (venue to be confirmed). "
Edit : Ok, bon va falloir surveiller ce site qu'on sache quand ils commencent la vente des billets .. on a 1 an pour s'organiser. L'angleterre si on s'y prend maintenant on peut avoir limite des billets d'avion gratos ... ou presque (hum hum...)
Qui c'est qui vient avec moi ??? lol ?
¤Veronica¤ Admin : Aeryn Sun
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Nombre de messages : 2652Age : 39 Quote : "Ass-butt ! " (Castiel in SPN - 522)
Ship & Show ♥Series: VM / PD / [H]md / Heroes / Lost / Sam Who? / DH / HIMYM / QAF / Greek / SPN / TBBT / LTM* ♥Ships: Shane+Carmen / Ned+Chuk / Chase+ Cameron /
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Lun 22 Juin - 1:15
Yes, je savais que je pouvais compter sur toi !! si je commence à économiser un euros par jour ... bon allez disons 2 euros je peux largement me payer la convention non?!! plus le billet pour mon prochain anniversaire et c'est partiiiii !
... enfin, c'est toujours pas confirmé et on ne sait toujours pa squi il y aura mais bon ...
We have not forgotten those waiting for further information on Asylum Europe, this show is very important to us and we will be visiting hotels in Germany very soon to confirm suitability.
We had hoped to sell packages from the 30th June however we have decided we will not put packages on sale until we have a confirmed venue if we haven't got a venue by the 25th June then we will postpone sales.
At the moment no further guests will be announced for at least one month while we await replies.
We have narrowed it down to three areas Cologne, Frankfurt and Düsseldorf.
Best Wishes
Rogue Events
Citation :
Further guests will be announced as soon as we have confirmations from agents, being that the event is just under 1 year away please bear with us while we attempt to book guests.
Best Wishes
Dernière édition par back up le Lun 22 Juin - 1:23, édité 1 fois
¤Veronica¤ Admin : Aeryn Sun
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Lun 22 Juin - 1:20
OUi surtout que j'ai peur malheureusement que le J2 ne soit pas présent... Pck c'est pendant le hiatus et souvent ils font des films (cette année ils avaient fait une pause.. dc l'année prochaine je sais pas ...) Donc soit SPN saison 5 est la dernière et du coup il y a peut etre des chances qui le fasse pck c la fin quoi... et que du coup ils auront du temps pour faire des films Soit SPN 5 n'est pas la dernière et la nous sommes fasse a 2 possibilité! voir plus pck il suffit qu'un des deux tourne.. enfin si on en a un sur des c'est déjà pas mal! et si il tourne pas ba se serait le pied! Mais bon je pense que lorsque que Jensen Jared vont savoir qu'on se déplace personnellement pou eux! Ils vont nous faire l'honneur de venir! Bien sur en plus des économies il va falloir prévoir l'enlèvement Enfin on se tient au courant
Dernière édition par ¤Veronica¤ le Lun 22 Juin - 1:29, édité 1 fois
back up ¤O.Y.E Team¤
Nombre de messages : 2652Age : 39 Quote : "Ass-butt ! " (Castiel in SPN - 522)
Ship & Show ♥Series: VM / PD / [H]md / Heroes / Lost / Sam Who? / DH / HIMYM / QAF / Greek / SPN / TBBT / LTM* ♥Ships: Shane+Carmen / Ned+Chuk / Chase+ Cameron /
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Lun 22 Juin - 1:28
Bah oui d'ailleurs je crois qu'ils ont organisé ça uniquement parcequ'ils ont lu nos messages de la dernière fois ( je ne vois PAS dautres explications)
SI c'est en Allemagne c'est encore mieux, ça à l'air moins loin ^^... Moins sexy mais moins loin !
d'ici le 25/ 30 Juin on sera fixées apparement
¤Veronica¤ Admin : Aeryn Sun
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Lun 22 Juin - 1:30
back up a écrit:
SI c'est en Allemagne c'est encore mieux, ça à l'air moins loin ^^... Moins sexy mais moins loin !
Edit: sinon il ya toujours notre Paris Rising(merde ça sonne club de foot) lool gniiiiii pardon! Qui est poteau avec un avocat?! qui pourrait nous aider ds les démarches?! lool
back up ¤O.Y.E Team¤
Nombre de messages : 2652Age : 39 Quote : "Ass-butt ! " (Castiel in SPN - 522)
Ship & Show ♥Series: VM / PD / [H]md / Heroes / Lost / Sam Who? / DH / HIMYM / QAF / Greek / SPN / TBBT / LTM* ♥Ships: Shane+Carmen / Ned+Chuk / Chase+ Cameron /
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Lun 22 Juin - 20:23
Lol, si seulement j'allais le temps, les connaissances, et l'argent ... je le ferai.
En attendant sur le site qui organise les conventions SPN : Il y en a un paquet qui sont prévue en 2010 en Europe (en plus de celle qui a été rajoutée pour Halloween cf. : plus haut)
Citation :
Hell Hounds takes place in York from 30th Oct to 1st Nov 2009. Asylum 4 takes place in Birmingham from 14th to 16th May 2010. Asylum Europe takes place in Germany (venue tbc) from 21st to 23rd May 2010.
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Lun 22 Juin - 20:53
Hummm NY NY! le rêve mais la c le BIG voyage il faut vendre père et mère.. voir les gs parents dc bon... Sinon qui veut partir ac moi à Vancouver? vivre avec deux jeunes hommes sympas?!
back up ¤O.Y.E Team¤
Nombre de messages : 2652Age : 39 Quote : "Ass-butt ! " (Castiel in SPN - 522)
Ship & Show ♥Series: VM / PD / [H]md / Heroes / Lost / Sam Who? / DH / HIMYM / QAF / Greek / SPN / TBBT / LTM* ♥Ships: Shane+Carmen / Ned+Chuk / Chase+ Cameron /
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Lun 22 Juin - 21:00
Lol quelle question !! ^^ Mais attention c'est York (Eng) pas New York ^^
¤Veronica¤ Admin : Aeryn Sun
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Lun 22 Juin - 21:05
Oui pck en mm tps la véro est très fatiguée et en plus de ça rêve que NY fasse partie de l'europe comme ça elle pourrait y aller plus souvent! Dc oui du coup York sans le New ba heu ça perd de son charme quoi! Enfin je dis ça mais si ça se trouve c mignon tout plein! enfin surtout si y a une petite brochette de J!
hellodie Créateur de la série
Nombre de messages : 4092Age : 35 Localisation : All of time and space, everywhere and anywhere. Every star that ever was. Quote : The Doctor. In the TARDIS. Next stop: Everywhere.
Bien tentant tout ça mais même à l'idée de l'Angleterre mon porte monnaie par en courant dans l'autre sens (malgré ses petites jambes il cours vite le bougre ) Mais on l'aura notre convention OYE dans e château de Véro ... je suis sûre que le blanc ira bien aux J2 d'ici là
Clochette Rory Gilmore
Nombre de messages : 5236Age : 43 Localisation : Montréal, Québec in Canada
LOL vous êtes folles!! Moi j'irais bien à Vancouver avec toi Vero! En plus, avec mon copain on a failli choisir cette ville pour nos vacances, mais ça ira à l'an prochain peut-être bien.
back up ¤O.Y.E Team¤
Nombre de messages : 2652Age : 39 Quote : "Ass-butt ! " (Castiel in SPN - 522)
Ship & Show ♥Series: VM / PD / [H]md / Heroes / Lost / Sam Who? / DH / HIMYM / QAF / Greek / SPN / TBBT / LTM* ♥Ships: Shane+Carmen / Ned+Chuk / Chase+ Cameron /
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Lun 27 Juil - 19:23
Infos et vidéos sur le Panel SPN au Comic con de san diego
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Mer 29 Juil - 21:57
What?! Qui vient a Rome avec moi?! Moi le train couchette ça me fait pas peur!!
Oh putain il faut la notre dans notre château Oyen non d'une pipe^^
hellodie Créateur de la série
Nombre de messages : 4092Age : 35 Localisation : All of time and space, everywhere and anywhere. Every star that ever was. Quote : The Doctor. In the TARDIS. Next stop: Everywhere.
rooo de chez moi c'est pas si loin lol On l'aura un jour, on l'aura (oulala la MAAF me tape sur le système !!)
back up ¤O.Y.E Team¤
Nombre de messages : 2652Age : 39 Quote : "Ass-butt ! " (Castiel in SPN - 522)
Ship & Show ♥Series: VM / PD / [H]md / Heroes / Lost / Sam Who? / DH / HIMYM / QAF / Greek / SPN / TBBT / LTM* ♥Ships: Shane+Carmen / Ned+Chuk / Chase+ Cameron /
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Mer 29 Juil - 22:21
ça coûte les yeux de la tête ces conventions ... plus le trajet et le logement. C'est ça le problème! ça m'a brisé le coeur quand j'ai vu les prix (pour des activités intéressantes)
pffff! j'en veux moi aussi ! Qu'il fasse un saut par chez moi c'est pas si loin!
¤Veronica¤ Admin : Aeryn Sun
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Mar 4 Aoû - 21:37
All Hell Breaks Loose DVD2 transcript
First draft, incomplete transcript and video. NB Will be updated with missing video JJ part5, very soon.
(not transcribed yet)
Q1: Do you prefer Katie or Gen?
What a horrible question, I can't answer that, they are both talented I have respect for them both; I just hope you do too. So, I can't answer. The biggest skirt of an answer, skirted right round that one.
Q2: Eye of the Tiger was it your idea or...?
Oh! For the LAST time! (jokingly) (MC: some people were not here yesterday, general laughter) Yea, ask one of them, they'll fill you in on that...
Q: OK, alternate q, what attracted you to SPN?
Uhh, ahhh, umm, man this is going so well. As you may or may not know, I was doing Smallville at the time, and I knew David Nutter, had directed me before. He had directed Dark Angel, Smallville and a dozen other very successful shows, so when I knew the WB was putting their golden director into this pilot, I knew that this was going to be something big, before I read the script, so what I was about to read. So I read it, and I really liked it, and they were casting Sam first, so I went to read for Sam, which could have gone horribly bad, but I begged them to let me audition for the role of Dean. And Eric was sitting there, who had no idea who I was, but David said yea sure and I did and they said yea, this could work. I was attracted to the role of Dean, honestly for the comedic aspect, something I could have fun with, so.
MC: Cut flashes, no audio or video taping, or we will hit you,
(Jensen waves cutely at someone)
She will, she will, I'm not messing with you (the MC)!
Q3: One: Best prank? Two: Craziest thing a fan has done?
I feel like I heard these Qs before. They're never big elaborate pranks that we pull, just spur of the moment, like Eye of the Tiger. Jared said earlier about tickling Jim's feet during the hospital bed scene, it's not something you plan, it just happens. The only elaborate prank was the one Kim did to us - he got the entire crew involved, dumping 10 gallons of water on us. I just had a new I-phone and it was in my pocket, and just before we went to do that, another producer came up to me and said, oh could you show me that? And he said, can I just hold onto it, and play with it for a bit? I handed it to him, saying I'm just going to shoot this scene. Smart man - somebody would have been pissed.
And, second part, fans, there are no crazy fans, those don't exist - I mean who here is crazy? I rest my case. Moving on.
Q4: Back from hell, do you play it differently now, a more compassionate Dean?
Each season has been a different motive - S2 was a flip flop almost. It was all about Sam's purpose, and Dean was never tied in, only part of it because he was Sam's brother, but this season it's been nice, given Dean more weight and purpose in the story. Hasn't really changed the way that I perform the role, I just, you read the lines they give ya, and hope you don't suck.
Q5: You are the pinnacle of good, angels, etc, do you get jealous of Jared for playing the grungy, dirty character?
No, because I like to shower. (gets up) Let me just adjust myself, sorry, very inappropriate. Either or, there's a lot of fun to be had doing both of those roles. Being the bad guy, and Sam's not really a bad guy, just taken on a persona, doing what I have to do because I feel that's the way it has to be done. And Dean is doing the same thing, in a different way, we both have the same, similar driving force, down two different roads. I don't know if that answers your q? (no response)
Or I'm just talking to hear myself speak, I know Jared does that. I may be doing that now? (No response)
Definitely talking to hear myself speak.
Q6: Would you like to do theatre - a musical?
I have done a musical.
Q: Can you re-enact it?
Yea, I'm just going to need a few volunteers. No-one? Maybe next time. I did West Side Story in High school, yea that's funny, I played Tony, I don't know if you're familiar, and I'd never sang in front of an audience in my life, and that was pretty traumatizing, and I never have again. It's a break from the norm to do stage, I did a play two years ago, with some great stage performers, LDP, it was a unique experience for someone used to being in front of a camera, to be in front of 1100 people, it was really cool, and I'll probably never do it again. Well, no, I might, who knows?
Q7: Will there be a SPN movie?
Who knows, I think, if you'd asked Duchovny 10 years ago would they do an X-files movie, he'd have said no, but if they do, I hope they don't wait as long as they did for the X-files, you know, be something more like, what was the Firefly movie? You guys have never seen that? Yea, something like that. That is something Eric would have to have up his sleeve, and who knows what is up his sleeve.
Q8: How do you find working green screen with all the monsters?
To be honest, we don't do a whole lot of that. There was a big green screen scene at the end of the 3rd season, when I was hung up on all the hooks, and that was miserable, but the stunts we do are practical, and the cgi we do is more we shoot the scene and then they take plates, a still shot and our guys are so good we don't need to do green screen they put it in later, the demon smoke, and all that stuff, it's not like shooting LOTR or anything.
Q9: How do you memorise your lines?
It's become pretty simple, to be honest, I'll read them the night before, go over them once or twice before I go to sleep, and in the morning, I'll run them with Jared, we'll get together and run the lines. It would have to be something more than a page or two, to really have to run the lines, if it's anything less than a page we'll just look at them real quick, mmmm OK go. It's like a muscle, the more you do the better you get at it, we sometimes joke about how quickly we just learned a three page scene, we are about to go put it on film forever and we just spent 10 minutes learning it. Our schedules don't give us a whole lot of time to really break it down as a true actor should, we're winging it.
But no, there's no kind of rhyme or reason, you know, sometimes we hit it and sometimes we miss it, so, it's just look at it a couple of times and just put it on.
Q10: Why did Dean's eyes bleed in Bloody Mary - what is Dean's secret?
Uhhh I didn't get the Cliff notes on this one. I don't know, and that's not something they'd tell me anyway, because they probably don't know. Eric covers his ass, he might need a secret down the road, may not be anything, just in case.
If you saw the last episode with Prophet Chuck, he even says I'm sorry about the terrible writing, Eric's not perfect either, I'm not saying, uhhh I don't know what I'm talking about now. To answer your question, I don't know.
Q11: MBV a sequel? Great movie BTW.
Patrick says it's in the preliminary works, it definitely left itself open for that, but whether it gets done...
Q: also, you're such a good actor, who do you look up to?
A lot of people, actors who can put in a great performance, and then the next movie it's really bad. You know the first one who comes to mind, Philip Seymour Hoffman, I don't think I've ever seen that guy do anything bad. He's interesting, I'd watch him read a newspaper, you know.. no I wouldn't.
Q12: Any roles that you thought were really awesome, apart from SPN?
Say it again? Oh, besides SPN, haha no, of course not (sarcastic).
(audience shout out)
Just ask them I guess they ... I'm trying to think, Dark Angel, TIH, now we're just going down my resume, which is (tired sigh) awesome. It's my favourite when people come up to me and go "what do I know you in." It's like, would you like me to go down my resume? It's so embarrassing. There's been a bit I've enjoyed in all of them, that's why I did them. If I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't have done them ... well, unless I was really hard up for cash, you never know.
One I wish I'd have got a little bit more to play with was a miniseries was shot down in Melbourne, Australia, Blonde. I thought the role was really unique in the book and they didn't really write it in as much, on TV you have to really condense everything. He kind of got left out, his back-story, but that was a cool role, I would have loved to have gone a little further with that one.
Q13: Do you prefer comedy to drama, and what was the best comedy moment?
Every time Jared tries to be serious, is one of the best comedic moments of the series. Yes, I think I prefer comedy, but I like the balance of drama, which is why I like the show, it can be pretty heavy at times, but it doesn't take itself too seriously, that they can't throw in a funny remark. (ad libs?) Yes. One of my favourites was Croatoan, where they guy runs out and stops me with a shotgun, "My neighbour, Mr Rodgers." It was kind of out of left field, it wasn't obviously one of my lines, but Bob Singer wrote that, he is responsible for a lot of the one-liners, I like the fact that they filter in the humour, into what would otherwise be a very dark show. And as far as any particular one. I guess I just named one didn't I?"
Q14: In all your roles, MBV, SPN, TIH, you have the same comedic edge, and second Q, was that your hair in TIH or a wig?
MBV? You found that COMEDIC? ... I'll answer that question. When we first started prepping that movie, I'd just come off S1 of SPN so my hair was pretty short, so we tried on some extensions, and it was just horrible. And I was letting my, my hair was growing out, my hair grows pretty fast, I have to have a haircut once a week on the show. And it grew out in time for us to start filming, so that was all my hair. (wow) I'm glad that was impressive.
¤Veronica¤ Admin : Aeryn Sun
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Mar 4 Aoû - 21:39
Jensen and Jared
Q15. What great movie impressed you that you'd have liked to sunk your teeth into?
(Jared off screen: Hurry up and answer.)
Oh geez.
(Jared off screen: Hurry up and answer.) Wow, if that's God, I do not want to go to heaven.
Jared: Can I get a scream?
Jensen: Everybody's ...
Jared: (audience scream) I love you. Not you. (No idea of the context, as he's off screen, but I guess he means the audience, and was talking directly to either the MC or to Jensen when he said 'not you'.)
Jensen: (never stops his sentence, not missing a beat) ... looking back there, is he?
(Jensen looks around to the stage door, where Jared strides in.)
Jared: Where do I sit? (Jared goes up to the chest-high-to-a-lecturer lectern beside Jensen, where Jensen's put his water bottles, and there are a couple of sweet wrappers and expansively sweeps it all off onto the floor. They fly across to the back of the stage, so he hit them pretty hard, and he jumps right up to sit on the lectern. [At this point I was thinking, wtf, behave yourself, and I paused the video to write this, just as Jensen looks up at Jared with what might be the split-second look of something similar - or else it's just 'shit he's overdosed on sugar'.]
Jared: How's it going down there?
Jensen: This is the kind of crap I put up with on a daily basis.
Jared: I'm eating Pringles, I'm sorry,
Jensen: We were having a very serious discussion
Jared: I'll just go..
Jensen: Oh you can stay here.
Jared: Is there anything with wheels? (No. Jared's chair is higher and Jensen looks at it and starts fiddling with his own. Jared looks down on Jensen.)
Jared: So cute. (Jensen wriggles bit, exaggeratedly). What are we talking about? Did you see up there? (Jared spins)
Jensen: You know Jared, people paid a lot of money to...
Jared: We prepared a scene from the season finale that we wanted to do for you guys right now... we prepared it, but he's the only one in it, would you like to go ahead and do it?
Jensen: I'm going to need a volunteer.
Jared: It's a sex scene, so don't...
Jensen: Nobody? Really?
Jared: It's with me. Me-sha, Misha
Jensen: That's why my body double gets paid a lot of money. Are you done?
Jared: I don't know, man who knows.
Jensen: You gonna be all right?
Jared: I'll make it.
Jensen: OK.
Jared: It's right at that time where I'm starting to get jetlagged. What's going on guys, what were we talking about? (Jensen does a "he won't shut up", sign with his hand).
Jensen: I forget, I'm so sorry for him, (he's distracting) that's a word for it, destructive, would be another word, disruptive, anything with a dis.
Jared: Who are we talking to? Oh I see.
(repeats movie question)
Jensen: Yes, Yes.
Jared: (interrupts) Hannah Montana? (Jared is spinning and looking around)
Jensen: There was a wonderful little film shot in Toronto, Canada (Jared laughs very loudly)... called New York Minute.
Jared: Can we get this (Jensen's picture) off the screen right now? haha Now! (the picture changes to Jared.) They put my picture up.
Jensen: I love when he comes on stage because I have to do nothing. This little ball of energy, maybe not so little, yea, ginormous, Lurch, OK, (haha) there's a lot of flashes going on right now,
Jensen: Do we have another question somewhere? Hi.
(Jared goes to get sweets.)
Jensen: One, one minute.
(Jared throws sweet at Jensen which lands right in his crotch. Jensen picks it up, starts to unwrap it, then puts it on his knee.)
Jared: Who wants to buy that, it's up for auction? (Jensen smiles at Jared, and starts unwrapping it again.)
Jared: (mouth full) Someone asking a question?
Jensen: Yea, go ahead, go ahead.
Q: When you told Sam you tortured people, how did you start crying? (Jensen is eating the sweet and can't talk, Jared is throwing sweets around)
Jensen: ... could you repeat the question.
Jensen: mmmmm ah I was mmmmm (chewing, surprised at how chewy they are) really?
Jared: Well, when I told Sam, I'll answer it for you.
Jensen: I- I don't know, That was one of those scenes when you just start shooting it and start getting into the scene and things just start happening and your body starts reacting the way it would if something terrible happened to you, and then started crying, it was one of those weird ones where my body really started getting emotional, when they yelled cut I had to go walk it off.
Jared: Everybody had to go walk it off - seriously, everybody had to go walk it off.
Jensen: You know when you get like the (gasping for breath type sobs) and you can't stop, and when you try to stop crying, you just cry harder? It was one of those, they said cut and I started walking down the street, I can't - I'm a mess. It wasn't necessarily anything that I did, it just kinda happened.
Jared: Meanwhile the poor ADs are like, where's he going, and I'm like, he's all right, it's just a big scene, there are some scenes like that, there have been a few, one we were talking about earlier was the zombie one. In S2, ep 4 Children, yea, CSPWDT, there was a scene at the end of that where we're on a mountain talking. There are a few scenes like that where you don't know how it's going to go and then as you shoot it your body gets caught up, you can't get your mind out of... Has anybody read the book Blink, by Malcolm Gladwell? It's a really great book, I'm going to stop giving it publicity, but it talks about - they say you should smile to make yourself happy, it's actually true, people smiling they release more happy hormones, and vice versa, making yourself cry, your body doesn't know the difference, there are scenes where you have to go walk it off, and that's happened quite a bit. Thank you.
(no more flashes)
Jensen: See, now you made her mad, I'm not responsible.
Q: This is for Jensen, but I have a Q for you both afterwards, you play guitar, would you do that professionally?
Jensen: That's just something I do for, you know, actually he (Jared) keeps a guitar in his trailer as well, he picks pretty good too.
Q: It's OK, I like him too.
Jensen: nonono, I know, just.. He understands that I'm liked, well, more than he is, it's, you're not going to hurt his feelings, he's used to that.
Jared: I lost my shoe (pout). (laughter) Sorry.
Jensen: No, probably not, it's just something that I do, a hobby.
Q: Does either of you have any tattoos?
Jared: Show her that one. No, no, he does not have one, I do not, I don't either.
(Jensen just grins as Jared implies a complete knowledge of Jensen's entire body...)
Jared: These (sweets) are ridiculous.
Jensen: No, we don't have tattoos, we are ink-free, and it's really not because we are against them, but being an actor... In MBV I worked with Jamie king, she has like 11 tattoos, and she had to go to the makeup trailer 2 hours early every day to cover them up. No thank you, I dig tattoos an all, but I'd rather sleep.
Q: Will you miss driving the Impala?
Yea ...
I'm taking it home I'm definitely gonna drive one off the lot and they can try to stop me. ...
Jensen: Nothing, I was going to say, JS has one of the old Dukes of H cars, and I remember him telling me about that, so heck yea, I'm driving that sucker right off the lot.
¤Veronica¤ Admin : Aeryn Sun
Nombre de messages : 9224Age : 38 Localisation : VancouVer Quote : "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." (Orson Welles)
Ship & Show ♥Series: Buffyverse, Farscape,Deadwood ,VM, Lost, UB, DH, PB, House, Heroes , SPN, The Office, Dexter, FNL, Pushing Daisies, CM, True Blood, The Mentalist, USOT, Leverage, SoA, Glee ♥Ships: Bangel, John Aeryn, Alma Seth, Max Liz, McBeth, Ned Chuck, Jam, Padackles*J²Friendship♥
Sujet: Re: Conventions [SPN] Mar 4 Aoû - 21:40
Q: Hey boys,
Jared: Boys? Men! (Jared upturns his chair.)
Carry on please,
Q: For Jared: How was the set of Gilmore Girls?
Jared: Calm them down, would you?
Jensen: They like GG.
Jared: I learned a lot - I watch it and I'm horrified, why did they cast me, I learned so much. It was a really welcome home. I learned who I want to be as an actor, and as an on-set actor, from things that you like and don't like. I had a great time and if they did a movie I'd like to be part of it. (You were on/off) I was sort of there and gone, logistics, like JDM on our show.
Jensen: (snore)
Jensen? Jensen, you nodded off there, people, interview. So yea, I was all over the place.
Jensen: Good morning.
Q: My Q is for Jensen ... maybe Dean isn't as smart as Sam because they keep hitting Dean in the head.
(Jared snores, then pretends to throw chair)
Jared: Very accurate observation.
Jensen: or it could just be the junk food that he eats. I don't know. There is a lot... would you calm down, honestly, could we get his medicine, anybody have any Ritalin, any sort of sedative? Yes? Somebody will meet you in the back. I guess Sam is like the chosen one, so he has to be smart, which is amazing why they cast his guy.
Jared: No acting required.
Jensen: It's just beyond me, ahhh you know, I think Dean, is, is a brilliant, brilliant, man.
Jared: Dean from GG - I totally agree.
Jensen: ... and Sam is a brilliant, brilliant boy, is really what it boils down to. It's great, we're just going to sit and insult each other.
Q: How do you suffer for your art?
Jensen: I'm sorry, I'll be serious. I'd have to say just not being able to spend time with my family and fiends, (ahhhh) it's true, thank you. There are people in your life that you love and life is short and it's hard when you are contracted to be away for so long. Working on this great show at the same time, it's tough being away from people you love.
Jared: You're picked up for the whole season, see you in Vancouver.
Jensen: We didn't know it wasn't going to be in LA, we filmed the pilot in LA and for all intents and purposes, thought the rest of it would be in LA.
So, when they told us, it's like oh, wonderful.
I'd just come back from there doing SV and told TW, hey buddy enjoy the cold weather, I'm in LA. Wow did he get the last laugh on that one, just being away from home is tough, and now we're going on 5 years of that.
Jared: it's a foreign country in name only, but still foreign - friends I want to visit can't because they don't have a passport. It's really tough you don't realise you'll call what's going on and say something, and they'll say that was a month ago, oh wow... for me sure
Jensen: hey man I'm getting married, in West Virginia on Saturday, so you'll need to take a Friday flight. Really, sorry dude, I know you're one of my best friends, but I can't make it. And that's happened more than once.
Q: Good when you take your shirts off.... singing karaoke what is your song of choice?
Jared: That song about Misha
Jensen: Mine would be the vegemite song. I think for Jared, anything Jonas brothers, - last night,
I don't even remember last night,
Sing? yea sure throw out some requests, we'll see what we can do
LZ? Kashmir, anything particular, all right, calm down
Jared: Whitney Houston?
Jensen: Anything Michael Bolton, moving on.
Q: Texas accents?
Jared: they're more of an accident
Jensen: When we get tired it kind of slips, but we're both from big cities too, in Texas, like in most parts of the world, away from the city, it gets more country,
Jared: bogun? Yea, I learned it earlier.
Jensen: It obviously is there a little bit, fixin' go to the store so there you go.
Q: You do all these cons, do you not believe in holidays?
Jensen: When we get a day off during the season I don't know what to do with myself, my body is so programmed to be working and doing... errr laundry? So, we've got 3 months off and this was 2 days and we're doing another two dayer in England, we'll have some time to kick back and do some BBQs.
Q: Do you look at Jared's acting and think I could have done so much better.
Jensen: No, of course not, improve on that? No actor in the world, maybe Misha Collins, it's about as far away from perfection, I mean.. No, I don't know, they picked the right guy.
Jared: for both guys, I think.
He does, he gets testy, with the medication,
Q: For Jensen: do you prefer on stage or movies or TV?
It's night and day. With stage there's this energy you don't get, 50 sweaty crew guys it's like being here with you people you get that immediate response, spotlight, laughter, that wave of energy right in your face is pretty cool, you don't get that with TV and film but you really get to dissect everything - if you've made a mistake you can go back and fix it, on stage, you move on TV and film pay a lot better, so I got to go with the money.
Q: For Jensen: When SPN comes to an end would you do a spin off as Dean?
Jared: I'll answer that for him. No! How close was I?
Jensen: You were almost there, "hell no!" Come on, I'd cut my right arm off, hey, yippee it's me and the car!
Q: Thanks to Kripke, etc. With fame, life is bizarre, what is the funniest reaction a fan has had on seeing you?
Jared: you had a jumper, that's a pretty good one.
Jensen: The tears are always interesting because you don't know how to handle that, you don't want to comfort them because that's going to make them cry more, and you don't want to walk away because you're an asshole, it's an interesting situation, it's flattering, but interesting. If you're in a crowded space, and someone asks for a picture, and 40 other people are like I don't know who this is, but I'm going to get his autograph, let me just whip out my resume, I've never heard of you but can I get a picture?
Q: There is a TV programme "Thank god you're here". What is the worst situation you can think of?
Jared: uhhh, falling into a lion cage? That's a pretty broad question - what is the worst situation you can possibly think of? floating through outer space ... In the middle of the ocean, with no arms and legs, ... in a pool of sharks
Jensen: in a scene with JP is also very dangerous.
Jensen: We just completely destroyed her question. I'm standing up because my legs are falling asleep cos I'm old. So much better in my 20s.
(last question)
Q: I am a Vancouverite - I apologise for the weather - Olympics?
Jensen: we've grown accustomed to it.
Jared: They floated the idea of shutting down for 2 weeks cause it's going to be so hectic, but we're not, so chances are we're going to be working. The thinking was, hotel rooms are all booked so there can be no guest stars, no locations, so it's all in the Impala, so the problem is it'll be all you guys all the time, so I do have interest in winter sports but I am certain we will not have the opportunity to watch any of it.
Jensen: Skeleton, isn't it the luge, but head first, that goes on the list of the worst situation you could possibly be in, on two blades head first screaming down a tube of ice.